We are headed to Vegas tomorrow. . . the girls and I. They were in school for less than 2 weeks and then were off for a month. I don't want to talk about it.
But we have had a great time.
Here's a little recap of the past little bit.

We headed up to Idaho where we went to String Lake, right below the Tetons. It was gorgeous and we had a great time paddling around in the little boat.

Téa took the 4-wheeler for a ride with Papa Bart out on the farm, where she apparently drove like a mad woman.

Ben got sucked into Ottoline and the Yellow Cat just as much as the girls did.

Love her.

The girls have their own toy room and their own desk. But no, they have to build one on their beds with a laundry basket. Please notice the all-important music box, alarm clock and box of 500 staples. . . you know, just in case.

Eden has taken a strong liking to her changing pad. So, it accompanies her around the house from time to time.

Téa and Avery out for a ride while Bart changes a tractor tire.

I know this is dark, but we went to a party where the girls had the old-fashioned dance cards around their wrists and people would sign up for dances. It was a good time.

I apologize for the "graphic nature" of this photo. Avery thought it would be funny to throw a shoe at Téa's head in the back of the car. We were about 45 seconds from home. But that is all it took for the back seat to literally look like a crime scene and for Tay to end up looking like this. Yes, she is trying not to smile (she begged me not to wash the blood off until Halloween - "because that would be soo cool!!") and yes her clothes are perfectly clean. That would be because her blankie was on her lap and she leaned over to ensure that her blanket stayed pristine. You've got to have your priorities.

We will be sad when the Snow Cone stands close around town. What will I bribe my kids with?

Ben's Heidelberg. His latest baby. Well, other than the human one we just had.

Téa tried to teach my mom's dog, Tootsie, how to read (I'm not making that up, that is really what she is trying to do). Fortunately, Toots already knows that ignorance really
is bliss.

And finally, Avery has absolutely perfected her on-camera smile. She is Dead Serious.