Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lemonade Stand

Téa was prepping Avery on how to ask for payment.  She made sure that she didn't just say "50 cents".  It had to be, "And. . . that'll be 50 cents." She also kept coaching her saying, "People equal Money, Aves." I just started laughing, Avery just stayed confused. And please note that they both had to make a sign; the exact same sign. Avery signed hers in case you weren't sure which was hers.
. . .and here are the fruits of their labors, of course.


Lewis News said...

Oh Briar, they are just so stinkin cute! They honestly make me SO excited to have Maeve. I've been in boy mode for so long...I can't wait for girl stuff!

Nelson said...

Love it! They were so excited about their barbies. Thanks again for thinking of Bryn. She hasn't let it out of sight since you guys left. You really are such a thoughtful Mommy. I never would have thought about it.

Beebs said...

Cute! And that's exactly what I would have bought. Next time you'll have to advertise in the neighborhood in case I don't happen to drive by!

A Thinker said...

Look out Donald Trump! Have you guys been watching The Apprentice a lot or something? Go get 'em girls.

Josie said...

you're a cute mom. good work on the block letters. dad taught you well.