Monday, March 10, 2008

Good to Know. . .

Preface: I ran into this on one of those baby center websites about pregnancy.  The fact that information like this even exists confirms to me that you need to have an IQ Test taken before you are allowed to conceive.
This is for real. I can't make this stuff up. . .

"A woman is advised to remove her nipple jewelry as it can be a choking hazard for the baby as well as their gums and tongue can be injured by it. Babies who are left to nurse from a nipple with the jewelry remaining, aside from the two major risk factors listed before, tend to improperly latch onto the breast, release and latch more often than a baby nursing from a breast with no jewelry, slurp and gag as well as experience milk leakage from their mouth. The studies, though, also showed that once the jewelry was removed, the breastfeeding experience became more like what would be considered "normal breastfeeding" such as a breast with no modification at all."

My favorite part is where it says, "The Studies, though, also showed. . ."  
Studies?  There were actual studies? 
Who spear-headed that one?  Who proposed this hypothesis to the board?
"Gentlemen, after placing jewelry in the mouths of 450 infant subjects, and analyzing the data, it has been scientifically proven that introducing a piece of metal into an infant's mouth is indeed dangerous.  Conversely, we have discovered that when the object in question is removed, the danger is no longer present."


EndlessLoveInTheDark said...

OMG...briar, this is unbelievable!! what in the world is wrong w/people?!? love the post, though.


Jessarella said...

That explains it, I wondered why my babies couldn't get a good latch... It was the nipple ring! Why didn't I stumble upon this information before?
Thanks for posting this now.

Beebs said...

Oh Briar that is too hilarious! It is sad, but you know someone somewhere had a lightbulb go off in their head about their nipple piercings while reading that! Thank goodness your baby will be okay! At least I hope! ;-)

cort said...

Hilarious! I was part of this experiment.

Katie said...

that is the grossest picture!