Thursday, December 07, 2006


Let's talk about Rocco, shall we?
I think we need to have a debate if he is the dumbest dog on the planet, or the smartest, most stubborn. I truly don't know.
He will scratch at the door incessantly and then just stand there and not come in (point: dumb). This happens over and over. I finally give up. So then he starts barking like crazy KNOWING that I will have to let him in (point: smart). He is a year and a half and the only command he knows is SIT (point: dumb) But has figured out how to open his kennel with one of his fangs (point: smart) He was "fixed," which cured his severe problem, but goes back to his old ways ONLY when near other male dogs (point: dumb) (extra point: gross/weird)
Anyway, I think DUMB is up by one point. Whatever.
Wait, he has a love affair with shoes. He loves to lick them. He had a weird licking thing with Zach's (printer who use to work for Ben) legs. He LOVED them. I realize dogs lick things. I realize this. But this is not normal licking.There is something so creepy about it. Honest.
He snores so loud that the walls vibrate. When he was about 2 months old and started snoring, I had to take Tylenol PM and cover my head with my pillow. But that did nothing. The snoring vibrates the walls. (It freaks our babysitters out the first time they come over.)
I have to say though, I love him. I do. He is calming down and getting sweeter. The girls love him. Ben adores him. He is HUGE and insists on sitting on your lap. He gets stuck with his front legs caught in the swing. When he tries to fetch a ball, his short fat body just rolls over the top of it. Rocco sleeps upside down, on his back with his legs straight up. He is such a freak, but I do love him.

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