Josie, this is dedicated to you.
I was invited (by myself) to cut 14 inches off my hair. . .
I was invited to my own house to decorate Christmas cookies with the Bithells...
I was invited to Lagoon this summer with my family and the Hillmans. . .

I was even invited onto the Ferris Wheel with Avery. . .
I was invited to be a spectator with Avery at every one of Téa's soccer games. . .
I was invited to a little snuggle-time with Téa before the babysitter came over...
I was invited to one of Ben's art shows downtown. . .
I was invited to take a long-needed breather with my dad from prepping for my first ever at-home Thanksgiving. . .
And, I was totally invited to Angela and Scott's wedding. . .

. . .and fade to black. . .