Oh, Sweet Téa. I had no idea you could break a little heart so quickly. That little snake I found in our house turned out to be "Crystal, the Best Snake in the Whole World." (Yes, Crystal) Anyway, the girls woke up and I brought them the snake. Well, that was the beginning of the end for little Tay. She fell in love immediately. Long story short, after some major explaining that snakes hate tupperware and love dirt, bugs, and water, I convinced Téa that if she loved Crystal, she would let her go. Luckily, we were going to Hobble Creek that afternoon. So, off we went with Crystal "safely" on Téa's lap the whole way. We found a nice new home by the creek and she let the snake go. She took it hard. I didn't give a rip about that snake, but I totally teared up when she was crying "Goodbye Crystal" as it took off down the hillside. She was torn up. But as you can see in the photo, a box of donut holes and some self-requested quiet time took care of the wounds.