Summer is coming to an end. I love Summer. Fall is definitely on its way. I can feel it. It is always a bitter-sweet change for me. The only bad thing about Fall is that after Fall comes Winter. Snow is not too welcomed, seeing how I only wears socks like 3 days a year. Here are a few things we've been up to the past little while.

We spent 4th of July in Idaho. The last 2 days of the trip, we dumped the kids on the boys, and took off for Sun Valley. We went to an outdoor Ice Show. Just prior to the show, we also went on what I consider a Gastronomic Safari. Oh was it gluttonous. We all overdosed on raspberries and bread. My sisters-in-law and mother-in-law are so great. That was a fun night.

Tay and Avery are on the same soccer team. It just happened that way because they are so close in age. Téa is not happy about it but little Avery doesn't care. At her first game, she was running-down the other kids and pushing them out of the way. She wouldn't hesitate to "sweep the leg," if you know what I'm talking about.

We have 6 fruit trees in our backyard. We watch and wait and check and wait some more. It seems like forever before the fruit is ripe. Both peach trees and both apple trees decided to ripen ALL of their fruit on Tuesday evening at 8:36 pm. ALL OF IT. I really did paniced. Ben and I were picking fruit as fast as we could. LIterally hundreds of peaches and apples. It's a race against those peach-sucking hornets!

Well, my mother-in-law happened to be visiting and she saved me! She and Roz came over and we made peach jam.

Ok. So we have a real-live friend who is a real-live clown. We took the kids to see him in action, but not before Ben took a ride on his clown bike that was left in his car.

The ever-so-humble Téa who did Avery's hair and makeup.

Téa lost her first tooth on a day she happened to be cruising around in a velvet cat costume. Of Course.

The girls got to take a friend for a day of animal-petting, pony-riding, and shopping.

And then there was the day Avery was a Half-Rainbow Pirate. Of Course.

Labor Day we had friends over to BBQ what we didn't BBQ at the Chili Party. We just sat outside and told college stories (dang, I sound old). This is cute Rachel and Ashley. I genuinely appreciate having great friends live so close.