I promise you Eden is younger than her 2 older sisters were on their first birthday. I cannot believe she is one already! As tradition states in our household, you go on a date with Mom and Dad to Build-a-Bear on your first birthday. No questions asked.
Eden has always been really excited to see Rocco. She was a little scared of him at first, but she would have to pet him nonetheless. Every time she did, we would say, "Good Girl." Well - she now thinks Rocco's name is Good Girl. And all dogs are subsequently "Good Girl." Anytime there is a dog anywhere or a photo of a dog anywhere, she just about jumps out of her skin saying, "Good girl! Good girl! Good girl!"
So, we were not the least bit surprised when Eden immediately dove for the stuffed dog on the shelf, promptly naming him "Good Girl."
She may only be 1, but she knows that "Good Girl" is hers and has yet to let go of its neck.
So, Happy Birthday Eden. You are our World.