Major major major computer difficulties. Well, computer death, really.
Ben witnessed first-hand that my computer really was dead. Not just "slow dead" or "annoying dead," but "dead dead." So he came home with a "present" for me tonight. Perfect timing too seeing how it is 4:23 am and I am wide awake due to insomnia. (Well, it may not actually be insomnia but maybe my 6-year-old in bed with me trying to use my head as a pillow and incessantly sneezing because she is allergic to our down comforter, or the baby kicking me until she is nice and comfortable as well. The only way to get her to stop . . . get up.)
The good news is that we luckily backed-up my photos and such recently. But I did lose all of my Mother's Day photos, emails, and email addresses. This is where you guys come in. I realize I asked this back in October (it crashed back then) but if you have my email address, I need you to email me yours. Because I don't have yours. And that makes me sad.