My iPhoto is not letting me upload photos. I don't know what the problem is.
So let me just take this chance to share a little empathy I have with Ms. Marie. Not even having watched the show, I have watched her faint 18 times, on every network and every show. It's embarrassing enough to faint, but then to have it played over and over. . .
I found myself feeling bad for her. It's because I had an embarrassing faint, and it wasn't even recorded.
I was a Junior in college. It was my first week in my Anatomy Lab. New class, new cadaver. Three o'clock in the afternoon, no lunch yet. Bad bad combo.
The cadaver was on his stomach and the teacher was going over the muscles of the back. I was pinned between the cadaver and the wall. I was leaning OVER the body to get a better look, breathing in all that wonderful formaldehyde. Do you see where I'm going with this?? Luckily there was a girl leaning over next to me. The last thing I remember was looking over at her and saying,
"Uh, I think I'm going to pass out."
The next thing I feel is this girl's hand against my neck sliding me down the wall. She saved me from falling face-first into this poor guy's guts.
I never really got to know anyone in that lab. So it made it worse when I found out a few months later that my name was "THAT GIRL." That was my name. Even the lab tech admitted to it.
So embarrassing.