So Tay starts kindergarten next week. Obviously THE backpack is a big topic of discussion for her. She says "Mom. I want a black backpack, or a dark dark dark dark dark blue one. I don't want a dumb BABY backpack. No way do I want a Cinderella or Ariel one. Those are for babies."
Awesome. Whatever.
So I took her today for the big choosing day. She looks at tons of options with little interest. A lot of cool black ones. When suddenly I hear a screeching 5-year-old voice yell "STOOOOOP!"
Oh wow. She somehow found the shiniest, girliest, fluffiest, ugliest backpack along the 80 foot wall. . .and it was love.
So here's to bad design and one very happy, unknowingly-girly kindergartener.
By the way, that is the actual backpack, in all of its luminescent glory.