Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Getting ready to go out for lunch, Eden brought me this entire ensemble.
I've taught her well.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Katie and Mindy (who I've known for over 26 years collectively!) threw me a baby shower for our first little boy. It was so fun and so nice. I love them to pieces. Thank you!!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Last week Ben and I needed to switch cars. At 8:30 pm (well past the girls' bedtime) Ben called and told me it was no use. . .he had truly lost the keys to the car and I was going to have to come get him.
I loaded the tired girls into the truck and we headed downtown to pick him up.
And of course, enroute, he finds the keys.
And of course, enroute, we found ice cream on the way back to the house.
Getting them to bed was another story.
The girls are still hoping Ben will lose the keys again soon.