Another great year at The Races!
Thanks to everyone who came over and made the night. It's been eight consecutive years of serious competition. This year Lancelot took the race and Lorum Ipsom bet his way to a prize. Ben and I are grateful for such great people in our lives. Even though I am among friends, I still get insanely nervous every time I am called up to race! I'll never get over it.
Beth (aka Lancelot), our Grand Prize winner.
I think it was around 10pm that the effects of drinking about 12 abandoned drinks and leftover cupcakes took-over little Eden's body as she suddenly started to scream uncontrollably; she stopped - as if I had pushed a mute button - the second her head touched her pillow. I think I was the same way about 4 hours later.
The girls were put to bed, lights out and way way too late, when they started to cry that they were "soooooo hungry". I insisted they were just tired. But their insisting won out my insisting and they came downstairs for a midnight dinner. They were so sweet - refusing anything with sugar, just had a little chili and stumbled their way to bed. I am in love with them.