Scenario #1
The other day I opened the door to a solicitor. He smiled and said,
"Well hello. Is your mom or dad home?"
"UM...I'M MOM."
Was he wearing dark glasses and carrying a white cane? NO.
Did one of my kids answer the door? NO.
Were they anywhere around? NO.
Did he act embarrased at the mistake? Totally.
So ok. As I walked upstairs, I had to smile and think, "Am I offended?"
You tell me.
Scenario #2
My girls fight over who gets to "shnuggle mom" when we are on the couch.
They argue why they think I am more comfortable.
Avery's argument: Mom is as soft as a cloud.
Téa's argument: Mom is as soft as bunny.
Is this a compliment or a slam?
You tell me.
Sometimes you just have to laugh to keep from crying.
BOTH compliments. even when i was 16, people thought i was 30. so enyoy the youngness, you young looking young person, you. and soft as a cloud? i'm sure they're just talking about how soft abner is from all the washings, right?
Oooohhh, that's a toughie. Just kidding, both compliments in mommy land. Real actual compliments come few and far between in our lives don't they? So here's two to make up for it:
You are gorgeous. Truly beautiful. I mean really a head turner.
You are a really fun mom. Your girls have F.U.N. They laugh and play and make big messes. It's good to be a kid at your house.
Love ya!
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