I woke up in a daze this morning to Avery shuffling around my nightstand.
What are you looking for? A binky.
Where's your dad? He's at work.
Where's Eden? Téa has her.
Ok, I'm awake.
The honeymoon is over. It is definitely over. I am home alone with 2 kids and a newborn with no plan, no clean laundry, and no breakfast to speak of.
You cannot imagine how spoiled I've been the past 3 weeks.
My dad and Diana came up for 4 days and played with my girls until they couldn't see straight. Then my mother-in-law came up and continued to watch the girls and clean, clean, clean! My mom has been here making sure we have food and someone to hold Eden.
The girls have been to the zoo, Hobble Creek, Children's Museum, movies, and Kangaroo Zoo. Friends have come and taken my girls for the day. We've had a birthday party here, housed (and killed) a caterpillar named Shrekapillar, and ridden bikes for hours. Ben's entire family was here for a week for a family reunion on Saturday.
Now it is over and I am alone with the girls. . .
until tomorrow when my whole family comes into town for the 4th of July.